Piece by Piece | Review by: Luke Elisio

“ Piece by Piece” is a spectacularly colourful and insightful documentary that is as one-of-a-kind as its subject. The documentary, which chronicles the prolific life and career of musician Pharrell Williams, is unlike any other that has come before it. Told entirely through the lens of LEGO animation, director Morgan Neville puts a new spin on the idea of putting together a documentary. It makes the beats we’ve seen before or the elements we’ve come to expect in a documentary about someone in the music industry feel refreshingly original. Using LEGO animation to explain the thought process of making music, or how it’s easy to become overwhelmed or jaded by the music industry is genius. As well, whether it was intentional or not, having Williams’ story told through LEGO makes it equally accessible and appropriate for children. Which is wonderful because Williams’ story is an inspiring one all about how far hard work, persistence, and trusting your creative instincts can take you. A message no one is too young to hear.

It’s also wildly entertaining and such a fun watch because it’s so different. At times the animation and overall fantasticalness can make things a little trippy but in the end, LEGO makes perfect sense as a medium to tell Williams’ story. Any art form would have been fine but as Williams’ so perfectly puts it, “LEGO is the way I can be my purest self.” That’s something you feel so viscerally as a viewer. However, making something as vulnerable as a documentary animated makes it lose some of its authenticity. How are we supposed to know what’s accurate and what is included because it makes for visual spectacle? And did the interviewees have to go into a booth to record their lines set to LEGO animation, or was the animation made based on their lines? Perhaps we’ll never know. 

Regardless, “Piece by Piece” is an exceptionally-made and eye-opening documentary that will be sure to blow your mind. One of the best things about watching this documentary is learning about the connections Williams has maintained pre and post fame, as well as the monumental stamp that he’s left on the music industry. And in general, Hello, he was part of the team that created the iconic McDonalds “I’m lovin’ it” jingle! “Piece by Piece” is a must-see for anyone remotely interested in the art of making music but above all, is a true piece of art in itself. 

Review by: Luke Elisio

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