Ziggy is a member of the Mohawk people, who’s left the reservation to chase her big city dreams of being a famous influencer. After striking a lucrative deal with a seed company, she heads home to discover not everything is above board with her new partners. As the true motivations of this corporation gradually reveal themselves, Ziggy finds herself, as well as her family and friends, tangled up in a dangerous situation.
I will give the movie credit for its loveable group of characters, led by a stellar Kaniehtiio Horn as Ziggy. She’s infectiously bubbly but also hard headed and ferocious when the time calls for it. The small cast has great chemistry and their interactions feel very genuine. Also, as a Canadian who grew up in the ‘90s, I couldn’t have asked for better casting than Graham Greene as Ziggy’s conscience. The film also proudly embraces its native roots, through its narrative and genuine depiction of Rez life.
Dark comedy can be a tricky tone to pull off, and that’s where this movie truly fumbles the bag. It feels so light and breezy, but takes jarring tonal shifts into more serious territory where it looses a lot of personality. It never finds the dark comedic tone it’s looking for, instead feeling like two completely separate genres clashing with each other.
Seeds will make you think twice, the next time you blindly agree to the terms and conditions. An unbalanced tone makes for a movie that never really finds its voice, but a fun cast with excellent chemistry makes this trip to the Mohawk Rez one worth taking.