What happens when you take John Wick, flip the genre to Western and set it at the end of the Second World War? You get Sisu - a lean, gritty and ridiculously violent action movie that gives audiences exactly what’s advertised. Sisu follows a Finnish gold miner who’s struck the mother-load, and now has to traverse German occupied territory to get his gold to safety. He’s also in the business of killin’ Nazis, and business is boomin’. That’s really all there is to this movie, and it never once pretends to be anything more. The film is broken into a handful of short chapters, and even the chapter headings get right to the point. Just 91 minutes of a grizzled old man savagely cutting down German soldiers in wickedly gory ways. The barren Finnish countryside is the backdrop for most of the bloodshed, and that big empty space smartly places all the focus on the action. The use of graphic practical effects means each and every kill hits hard, and there’s such creative variet...