It’s pretty easy to mess up a prequel. Especially one released 13 years after the original movie, seemingly long after anyone would be interested in the characters anymore. But “Orphan: First Kill” is far from your average prequel. The movie is full of appropriately haunting visuals and creepy storylines that already make it a successful scary movie, but what makes “Orphan: First Kill” such a scream is how it reaches a whole new level of horror that fans of the original will never see coming. While the filmmakers easily could have copied what the first one did, as seemingly every reboot/sequel/remake/prequel seems to do these days, “Orphan: First Kill” brilliantly chooses to do something different with its characters and storyline, a refreshing change that’s not only welcome to see in the horror genre but in modern movies as a whole. Just when you think that the movie is going to be an enjoyable, if not generic, prequel, it throws you a curve ball that turns this horror movie into...