Spoiler-Free Review for Fast 9!!! The Fast Saga is like a soap opera. It has overstayed its welcome, and the only way to progress in the story is to come up with more ridiculous plots to top the previous film. The series has become so stale by repeating two simple things; casting big names to introduce as new villains only to turn them into heroes in the next film and by bringing people back from the dead to rebuild the family. This film did not even try to hide these plot points and used the return of Han as a marketing tactic. The predictable formula continues with the casting of John Cena as the main adversary who also happens to be Dom's brother. This lazy attempt to fill in the timeline by trying to add emotion to the plot falls flat and is only useful as a reminder that after 9 films, we are only just now learning about Dom's past. I could bash the crazy action sequences for hours but at this point, they are one of the m...